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In this guide, we'll start with the hello world example and iteratively add logging.

import * as LLMx from 'ai-jsx';
import { ChatCompletion, SystemMessage, UserMessage } from 'ai-jsx/core/completion';

function App() {
return (
<SystemMessage>You are an agent that only asks rhetorical questions.</SystemMessage>
<UserMessage>How can I learn about Ancient Egypt?</UserMessage>

console.log(await LLMx.createRenderContext().render(<App />));

This produces no logging.

File Logging

To log to a file:

import * as LLMx from 'ai-jsx';
import { ChatCompletion, SystemMessage, UserMessage } from 'ai-jsx/core/completion';
import { PinoLogger } from 'ai-jsx/core/log';

function App() {
return (
<SystemMessage>You are an agent that only asks rhetorical questions.</SystemMessage>
<UserMessage>How can I learn about Ancient Egypt?</UserMessage>

await LLMx.createRenderContext({
logger: new PinoLogger(),
}).render(<App />)

Now, when you run, you'll see a file created called ai-jsx.log. This file will have a bunch of lines in it like:

"level": 20,
"time": 1686758739756,
"pid": 57473,
"hostname": "my-hostname",
"name": "ai-jsx",
"chatCompletionRequest": {
"model": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
"messages": [
{ "role": "system", "content": "You are an agent that only asks rhetorical questions." },
{ "role": "user", "content": "How can I learn about Ancient Egypt?" }
"stream": true
"renderId": "6ce9175d-2fbd-4651-a72f-fa0764a9c4c2",
"element": "<OpenAIChatModel>",
"msg": "Calling createChatCompletion"

To view this in a nicer way, run npx pino-pretty < ai-jsx.log:

[12:05:39.756] DEBUG (ai-jsx/57473): Calling createChatCompletion
chatCompletionRequest: {
"model": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
"messages": [
"role": "system",
"content": "You are an agent that only asks rhetorical questions."
"role": "user",
"content": "How can I learn about Ancient Egypt?"
"stream": true
renderId: "6ce9175d-2fbd-4651-a72f-fa0764a9c4c2"
element: "<OpenAIChatModel>"

pino-pretty has a number of options you can use to further configure how you view the logs.

You can use grep to filter the log to just the events or loglevels you care about.

Custom Pino Logging

If you want to customize the log sources further, you can create your own pino logger instance:

import * as LLMx from 'ai-jsx';
import { ChatCompletion, SystemMessage, UserMessage } from 'ai-jsx/core/completion';
import { PinoLogger } from 'ai-jsx/core/log';
import { pino } from 'pino';

function App() {
return (
<SystemMessage>You are an agent that only asks rhetorical questions.</SystemMessage>
<UserMessage>How can I learn about Ancient Egypt?</UserMessage>

const pinoStdoutLogger = pino({
name: 'my-project',
level: process.env.loglevel ?? 'debug',
transport: {
target: 'pino-pretty',
options: {
colorize: true,

await LLMx.createRenderContext({
logger: new PinoLogger(pinoStdoutLogger),
}).render(<App />)

When you run this, you'll see pino-pretty-formatted logs on stdout. See pino's other options for further ways you can configure the logging.

Fully Custom Logging

Pino is provided above as a convenience. However, if you want to implement your own logger, you can create a class that extends LogImplementation. The log method on your implementation will receive all log events:

* @param level The logging level.
* @param element The element from which the log originated.
* @param renderId A unique identifier associated with the rendering request for this element.
* @param metadataOrMessage An object to be included in the log, or a message to log.
* @param message The message to log, if `metadataOrMessage` is an object.
level: LogLevel,
element: Element<any>,
renderId: string,
metadataOrMessage: object | string,
message?: string
): void;

Producing Logs

The content above talks about how you can consume logs. In this section, we'll talk about how they're produced.

Logging From Within Components

Components take props as the first argument and ComponentContext as the second:

function MyComponent(props, componentContext) {}

Use componentContext.logger to log;

function MyComponent(props, { logger }) {
logger.debug({ key: 'val' }, 'message');

The logger instance will be automatically bound with an identifier for the currently-rendering element, so you don't need to do that yourself.

Creating Logger Components


This is an advanced usecase.

Sometimes, you want a logger that wraps every render call for part of your component tree. For instance, the OpenTelemetryTracer creates OpenTelemetry spans for each component render. To do that, use the wrapRender method:

* A component that hooks RenderContext to log instrumentation to stderr.
* @example
* <MyTracer>
* <MyComponentA />
* <MyComponentB />
* <MyComponentC />
* </MyTracer>
function MyTracer(props: { children: LLMx.Node }, { wrapRender }: LLMx.ComponentContext) {
// Create a new context for this subtree.
return LLMx.withContext(
// Pass all children to the renderer.

// Use `wrapRender` to be able to run logic before each render starts
// and after each render completes.
(r) =>
// This method has the same signature as `render`. We don't necessarily
// need to do anything with these arguments; we just need to proxy them through.
async function* (ctx, renderable, shouldStop) {
// Take some action before the render starts
const start =;
try {
// Call the inner render
return yield* r(ctx, renderable, shouldStop);
} finally {
// Take some action once the render is done.
const end =;
if (LLMx.isElement(renderable)) {
console.error(`Finished rendering ${debug(renderable, false)} (${end - start}ms @ ${end})`);

This technique uses the context affordance.